Burger Town U.S.A
24418 Muirlands
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Lake Forest does not have a shortage of hometown celebrities. Ginger Reyes, (bassist with the band Smashing Pumpkins), Christine Woods, (actress who was in the now canceled Flash Forward), and beach volleyball player, Elaine Youngs, have all called Lake Forest home sometime in their lives. But now we can add one more name to that list. The Asian lady that works at Burger Town U.S.A.
After reading the reviews of Burger Town, I was a little nervous about walking in there. Everyone kept mentioning the woman that works here, and giving tips on how to avoid her ire. The advice ranged from, "Do not look her in the eye", "Do not ask any questions about how the food is prepared", "Have exact change and do not stutter when ordering", and lastly, "whatever you do, don't ask for more than two sides of ranch dressings". Armed with this knowledge I was ready to take on Lake Forest's version of the Soup Nazi.
We walked in and the place was bigger than it looks from the outside. If you have ever been to the Mad Greek on your way to Vegas, it kind of has that vibe to it, but no Greek statues here. As we got to the counter, I spotted our adversary. I made the mistake of telling Katie about her legend, and she was totally nervous. I ordered first, and took two steps to the side. No problem.
Now it was Katie's turn to order. But she was taking to long to decide. I was getting nervous, I went over the rules with her, and she was breaking rule number four. Come on Katie you can do this, was all I was thinking. She finally ordered, money was exchanged, and we hurried to our seats to wait for our food, so far un-scathed. Here is what appeared at our table.
First off was Katie's burger. She ordered the Garden Burger with cheese. I am not one to try Garden Burgers, but she said it was average, and did not set itself apart from others she has had. I did try her fries though. They were fried perfectly. I do not know who the fry chef is here, but these had a great crunch to them, without being to over done, and not greasy at all. Not a bad french fry in the bunch!
I chose to get the Colossal Burger and Fried Zucchini. First the burger. This burger came with a very generous serving of pastrami on it. The patty was thin in girth, but was round enough to encompass the whole bun. This burger would have been made better by adding some cheese to it, but I did not want to press my luck when I was ordering. The zucchini was fair, not as good as the fries. I should have salted them a bit to make them better.
So we made it out of Burger Town alive. We must have hit the Asian woman on a good night. She probably just freaks out if it gets really busy, or if high school kids get out of line. She was not friendly to us, but we got our food and did not have any problems. I still would be afraid to look her in the eyes though.
Out of five Mayor McCheese's, (because if I had to vote for anyone to be the mayor of Burger Town, it would be him), five being best to zero being worst, Burger Town U.S.A receives 2.5 Mayor McCheese's.
Burger Town does not have a web site, but you can read the reviews of the restaurant and the Asian woman here: http://www.yelp.com/biz/burger-town-usa-lake-forest